Lighthouse Tales available online from Bookshop Santa Cruz & Books, Inc, Palo Alto

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Lighthouse Tales Arrives This Week

Lighthouse Tales is arriving this week from the printer. Orders are coming in. You may order your copy by sending an email to the author, Lance McVay, at Please include:
  1. The number of books you would like to order.
  2. The address to which you would like your copies mailed.
  3. Indicate if a signature from the author is requested or if you would like a “clean” copy.

Each Copy of Lighthouse Tales is $20.00 which includes shipping and handling.  If you order one of the first 100 books you will receive a free Lighthouse Tales bookmark. Payment can be maid via Paypal using the above email address or you may mail a check or cash to an address you will receive after sending in your request.

Thank you for your support. Be sure to learn more about the book by using the links above.


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Pre-Orders are now open

Lighthouse Tales is now on sale. The first edition printing will be 500 copies. The first 100 copies ordered will be signed (if requested) and come with a limited edition Lighthouse Tales bookmark. Send an email to to order your copy.

Please include the address to which you wish the book(s) to be mailed.

$20 includes tax, the book, bookmark as well as postage and handling.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy telling it.

limited edition

available for the first 100 copies sold.


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Welcome to Lighthouse Tales

The journey here begins…



Lighthouse Tales will be available for purchase late summer 2012. Contact Lance McVay at to reserve your copy.



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